
🤔 About

What’s whatsthestoryabout about?

Hello there — my name is Caleb!

I’m an unemployed graduate of a Computer Science with AI degree. I’ve published a few random coding projects here and there. I play acoustic guitar, and I’m trying to get into keyboard.

I also really, really love story

Story: books, movies, songs, theatre, musicals. Narratives.

Not so much the writing style, like grammar, word choice, descriptive language, etc. Though the skill of conveying information through a medium efficiently and artfully may be part-and-parcel of story.

No, I’m more specifically talking about the age-old practice of storytelling: finding universal truths of human experience and translating them into cohesive drama.

No, I’m more specifically talking about the age-old practice of storytelling: finding universal truths of human experience and translating them into cohesive drama.

I believe stories have such a resonant effect on people: they have shaped lives and defined societies. Human history itself is a story being written and told. Story runs in our veins, whether we like it or not, and everything is story.

And after years of searching for my own place, I’ve finally found something I’m not too bad at: intuitively understanding the interconnected web of story. It’s going to change so many lives.

Story on paper

People know this about me: after a really interesting movie, I have to discuss the movie with someone. There’s so much to evaluate and critique and digest. I needed somewhere to dump my thoughts.

I tried running an Instagram account for a while (a good while!), but I ended up taking more time designing than actually writing out things.

Through my Computer Science degree, I started using Obsidian and learnt about the amazing Markdown format (a common language in the coding field!). Then I thought, why not integrate Obsidian with my writing escapades? I learnt and practiced even more to be able to maintain a Jekyll site, which helps me quickly compile my Markdown scribblings, autogenerates their appropriate website-matter, and effortlessly publishes them online!

Which brings us here. So this website-blog-space-area is my external dump of all the thoughts in my head. Nothing too fancy, no special theme styling: just focus on getting everything out of my head, and onto this digital paper.

Welcome to the dump.

Unsure where to start? Browse major projects or perhaps begin with the greatest showman series!

Also have a look at my linktree, which is where I’ve been temporarily centralising my writing projects so far!

My friend has also started a Jekyll blog at the same time as me — it’s a knowledge hub where he shares some fun facts! Check it out at I Wonder!

Some alternative shortened URLs that lead to this page:

  1. tinyurl.com/whatsthestoryabout
  2. shorturl.at/krH48